Rpg limit break robotek pj
Rpg limit break robotek pj

rpg limit break robotek pj

Getting a mage to tell you where the hydra is.10,000 gold For reals, if you don't want my money, I'd rather you just say as much. Honestly I'm a bit miffed at the entire idea presented here in that I'll likely just stop buying even rifters / PF titles. Mean while you're getting forced into kick-starting book releases to avoid overhead crippling you, and dooming your company to that state because you're ability to find new players (or re-attract fans who stopped buying for X reasons) is now even more limited if you only listen to the people already giving you money and not find a middle ground where you can sell to both sides. Don't tell me the gaming is tough, there are companies doing well and even expanding at this time. This type of servey is also a bit flawed, if you keep just focusing on your core market and not at least looking into the problems us 'nay sayers' point out, you will only succeed in narrowing your market and leaving yourselfs in an eternal struggle to finance. The game does have glaring problems, but if he'd rather ignore them, fine I suppose, I'll keep spending money else where. I both bought the products for a very long time, and would buy PF books (and still buy Rifters with PF content), and only now started stopping buying rifts a few months ago due to financing and me simply wanting a game with good rules, and naturally going to a game that has those (namely Privateer Presses Iron Kingdoms), I have played the game exhaustively so, having at least dabbled in every major title they've ever produced, focusing mostly on Rifts (Even the group as a whole liked it less, it had the most content in it, PF was the core focus). So, first, none of his generalizions are true about me. Last edited by bielmic on Fri 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. I hope you can do the Christian thing and turn the other cheek because they're apparently not changing and have plenty more face-slapping (your words, not mine) to do to your Robotech fandom.Īnd on a completely unrelated none, what is lobotech (from your sig) supposed to mean? Never heard that one before. Giving PB money despite your misgivings just reinforces the decisions they have made and (according to the release) will continue to make. Clearly expressing your views and backing up those constructive criticisms with examples (as have been done here on the walled garden of Palladium's boards as well as more aggressively as well as insultingly on other sites) leads to. I chose instead to vote with my wallet as I believe that is the ONLY thing that might at some point (if enough people do it) effect a change. and even I feel the way Robotech has been handled has been a slap in the face to fandom.Īnd I'm sure they appreciate that (not being sarcastic or facetious here either). but I forked over 500 bucks for the first insider deal to support the compnay that makes one rpg i like, robotech. I'm heavily critical of palaldium and its system, its got tons of issues.


Hopefully with the influx of cash from Insiders, they will end up hiring more talented full time staff to help out. The guys that are working there, are working really hard and long hours. I want to say that I am realistic in how Palladium is coming across. But it is definitely something that should be looked into for the future. Right now - may not be the appropriate time fiscally. Fresh blood (and I am not talking freelancers Per Se', but actual professionals in the business of making books) need to be hired. Even though Palladium has been in business for decades, they tend to have a fixed mindset. I also WANT Palladium to fix what I find are glaring problems. I also try and provide something he may not have thought of. I give him my point of view, even though he disagrees with me. I call up PB about once a quarter and end up talking to Alex (who is nice enough). Rifts is nice, and same with Heroes Unlimited (albeit - limiting!). and even I feel the way Robotech has been handled has been a slap in the face to fandom. but I forked over 500 bucks for the first insider deal to support the company that makes one rpg i like, robotech. I'm heavily critical of palladium and its system, its got tons of issues.

Rpg limit break robotek pj